About me

I am an Associate Professor in the College of Informatics at the Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU). Before coming to HZAU (2020-2022), I worked in DJI and Hubei Sanjiang Hangtian Hongfeng Control Co. Ltd., repectively, as a senior perception engineer on autonomous driving.

I received my Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology under the supervision of Prof. Xiang Bai in 2020. My research interests mainly include 3D vision, Vision & Language domain, helping machine to understand the world better. I recently focus on Out of Distribution Detection (OOD), with an emphasis on industrial anomaly detection, open-set learning on point clouds, 3D shape retreival, and 3D object detection.


  • [Jun. 2024]: Our work “SimpleFusion: A Simple Fusion Framework for Infrared and Visible Images” by two undergraduates in our group has been accepted to PRCV 2024 (CCF C). Congratulations to Min Chen and Yuxuan Cheng.
  • [Mar. 2024]: Our work Point-StyleGAN is accepted to Computer Aided Geometric Design (CCF B). Congratulations.
  • [Mar. 2024]: Our work LATFormer is accepted to Pattern Recognition. Congratulations.
  • [Mar. 2024]: Our work on “A pixel and channel enhanced up-sampling module for biomedical image segmentation” is accepted to Machine Vision and Applications. Congratulations to Xuan Zhang.
  • [Oct. 2023]: Our two papers on medical image segmentation are accepted by IEEE BIBM 2023 (acceptance rate: 19.7%). Congratulations to Jianfeng Qin.
  • [Sep. 2023]: Our work on “A Discrepancy Aware Framework for Robust Anomaly Detection” is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Congratulations to Yuxuan Cai.
  • [Aug. 2023]: Our work on “HLeViT-UNet: Make Faster Encoders with Transformer for Medical Image Segmentation.” is accepted to PRCV 2023. Congratulations to Guoping Xu.
  • [Aug. 2023]: Our work on “Haar wavelet downsampling: A simple but effective downsampling module for semantic segmentation” is accepted to Pattern Recognition. Congratulations to Guoping Xu.
  • [Aug. 2023]: My webpage is online.